Sunday, November 28, 2010

What's Next?

It's snowing outside. I LOVE snow. I'm in my favorite sweats, the coacomotion has been used, the Taylor Swift Pandora station is on, I have the apartment complex to myself, and The West Wing waiting for me. I'm so content, comfortable, happy, _____________(insert description of someone who's world is about to be turned upside down.)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


October, where'd it go? October consisted of Homecoming, two Thunder Thursdays, three home football games, one weekend concert, and that little thing I like to call the Howl. A little over two thousand people attended/participated this year, we broke even after significantly dropping prices, and the LDSSA Activities VP left his own activity for mine.


Football team winning Conference Championship= Success.

Homecoming= Epic Success.

Statistics= Epic Faliure.
Well there's always 1050 next semester right?

The toughest thing about this year? All the people who really knew the non SUUSA Emily are gone. Don't get me wrong, I feel truly blessed for this experience but I didn't realize how lonely this year would be. When it comes to work I have the BEST support system in the world but I just want to be Emily sometimes. Not Activities VP. I need me some Hillary Jayne, some Dan Dan, some Michelle, some Carrie Colton, and most of all some Ghetto Fabulous Roommate.

She got to come down for homecoming and it was perfect. Everyone that week kept asking me if I was okay like they expect the Activities VP to have a breakdown during homecoming but I knew my GFR was coming and that's all that mattered. Once she got there it was like she never let, she was pre-Nauvoo Shani. Exactly what I needed.

But now it's November which means, all the procrastinated assignments, ice on my windows in the morning, and the awkwardness of thanksgiving break. I want nothing more than to go home this weekend and be with my fam but no one can go this last minute. To put the cherry on top I found out my oldest brother is going to be there so I truly will be the only one not there.

I love Cedar, I truly do, but I'm done. I'm ready for the next adventure. I feel like Cedar has offered me everything it can and I'm just killing time here.