Thursday, November 24, 2011


Two years ago today I was sitting at my home in El Centro visiting my parents on the brink of some major decisions in my life. It was the semester I decided to change my minor to Theater and I was in 3 theater classes and had ASM'd Macbeth. I can't even begin to tell you how that semester changed me, I learned SO much, I made some amazing theater friends, and my GFR got engaged. One of the people I got to know a whole lot better was Anatasha Blakely or as I like to call her, Chuck. Every year like clock work on this day Chuck writes a blog of what she is thankful for. I knew that writing a blog like hers would give me the perspective to make those decisions that were weighing so heavily on me, which is when I started Emily's Eccentricities. And thus I sit here in my parents house, two years later, on the brink of trying to figure out my life plan and again I was so moved by Chuck's list, (which you can read here). So here is what I am thankful for:

The Arts- in all forms; literature, theater, dance, cinema, and music. It provides such a state of enlightenment in life. It begs me to ask questions, to teach myself, and yet still has such an cathartic effect all at the same time.

Laurel Udy- she's kind of a big deal. I can't count the amount of late night chats I've had with her over the past 12 months. Sometimes I just need to get everything off my chest and she has the best ear. Along with her being the best listener, she's super funny and introduced me to her crew.

"The Crew"- I hate to say, "you know who you are," but you do. Because the thing about the crew is, it's not a set group of people as much as a state of mind. Enjoy all things nautical? You can be in the crew. Enjoy a good tweet? Crew. Love a good game of Olympic Tennis? Crew. Actively travel by bike? Crew. Just like to chill? CREW! When I graduated and everyone left and I had no idea what I'd be doing with my life, these are the people who took me in and showed me how to be happy no matter what.

SUUSA- The things I learned in my time with SUUSA are priceless. I am learn by doing kind of girl and I got to do a lot.

Justin Parker Nelson- Without Justin I never would have joined SUUSA in the first place. And once we were in, we were always in it together. If I need help with an activity, he was there. If I needed someone to read over my paper at 3 am that was due the next day, he was most likely in the offices writing his right next to me. If I needed a Diet Coke, he didn't even need to ask because he always knew when I needed one.

Mark Preston Leavitt- The man taught me a lot about priorities. I still can't even begin to understand him but he always knew what was important and it showed. I often look back to that example. And his wife? AMAZING.

Cody Noel Alderson- There's always more to a person than you think, and with Cody I just keep unraveling. He has the biggest heart, he loves helping people. Whether it's tutoring then in math or taking them to Breakfast during a stressful week, he's so good at it. Also he gives great hugs, his large stature engulfs you. Have I mentioned he's funny? Yeah, like your eyes are leaking, stomach hurting, can't breathe funny.

My Student Activities Board-They worked so hard! I've had a lot of compliments about the quality of the job I performed last year, but those people don't know it was really StAB, late nights, early mornings, and lots and lots of patience. I loved watching them realize the difference they were making the lives of their peers. They became some of my best friends.

Southern Utah University- You have a lot of time to ponder about chapters of your life after they've closed. I became there who I want to be for the rest of my life there. I will always be a Tbird.

Natalie Robison- There is something about talking to her that makes me feel like I can conquer the world.

Michael Arthur Tagliaferri- All you need to know is he has a magical Donald Duck voice.

Shandra Kay Harper- She's my GFR, she knows everything about me, and she always knows how I'm going to feel. I luf her.

Family- They've taken me in these past 8 weeks and I am so lucky to have a family that not only can but are glad I'm here.

The Interwebs- I don't even know how people looked for and applied for jobs before the internet. Also, I get to skype all of the above people.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints-It gives perspective to everything. It is the reason I can realize I am grateful for all of the above. It gives me the faith to know there is a plan, even though I don't know what it is, I know there is one. I know I have a purpose, I know where I came from and where I'm going. I have a Savior and Redeemer who loves me very very much.

Monday, November 7, 2011

All Is Right With The World

Do you ever have those moments where everything is piling up? A trip to your favorite place falls through, you can't find what you want the most, and then to top it all off you end up on crutches? My life lately has just been one big place of limbo.

That changed tonight. Tonight I found out that two of my favorite people are expecting their first child, a beautiful little girl. This couple is so with it, so ready to be parents; and what great parents they will be! You hear about so many children in the news who are not treated like the Children of God they are, but this Daughter of God will have a wonderful home, a cute puppy, and parents who truly cherish her.

This is what life's all about. This is the small moment of clarity I needed to refocus my paradigm. This is what reminds me that all is right with the world.