This is a post to vent, just a warning. Our country is SO AMAZING. I know it was set up by a divine design. I love our Constitution, at one point I wanted to study constitutional law. What grates me like nothing else though, is people who expect more rights than they really have. It's a smack in the face to every single person who has fought for those rights. This morning I got on Facebook and saw a friend's status asking if she should get a twitter or not. One of her friends had posted the following:
In all practicality, my annoyance with Twitter is the character limit on tweets...I figure if I've got something to say, I want the freedom to say it how I want, rather than abridging it to fit their format.
You're really going to take then time out of your life to complain about how social media limits you? Are you kidding me? Governments have been overthrown by the use of social media! Have you heard of North Korea? Their citizens can't access anything on the internet that isn't approved by their government. We should be beyond grateful for the fact that we can wake up in the morning and read a newspaper, a newspaper that can print whatever it wants without fear of persecution from our government.
I realize that part of our rights as American Citizens is to be able to voice our opinion, no matter what it is. My problem is not with people voicing those opinions. Don't agree with me on something? Great! Just make sure that you're not just talk, that you have a foundation for those opinions, and that they are based in exceptional gratitude for the undeniable rights we do have, not the ones you think you have.