Thursday, December 22, 2011


This is a post to vent, just a warning. Our country is SO AMAZING. I know it was set up by a divine design. I love our Constitution, at one point I wanted to study constitutional law. What grates me like nothing else though, is people who expect more rights than they really have. It's a smack in the face to every single person who has fought for those rights. This morning I got on Facebook and saw a friend's status asking if she should get a twitter or not. One of her friends had posted the following:

In all practicality, my annoyance with Twitter is the character limit on tweets...I figure if I've got something to say, I want the freedom to say it how I want, rather than abridging it to fit their format.

You're really going to take then time out of your life to complain about how social media limits you? Are you kidding me? Governments have been overthrown by the use of social media! Have you heard of North Korea? Their citizens can't access anything on the internet that isn't approved by their government. We should be beyond grateful for the fact that we can wake up in the morning and read a newspaper, a newspaper that can print whatever it wants without fear of persecution from our government.

I realize that part of our rights as American Citizens is to be able to voice our opinion, no matter what it is. My problem is not with people voicing those opinions. Don't agree with me on something? Great! Just make sure that you're not just talk, that you have a foundation for those opinions, and that they are based in exceptional gratitude for the undeniable rights we do have, not the ones you think you have.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Two Favorite Mikes

Do you ever re-read a blog post and see a glaring error? You think, how on EARTH could I have missed that? Today I realized there were two very serious errors in this post. I forgot my two favorite Mikes.

The first one is Mr. Michael Conrad Hunter, the Mr. won't be around for long be cause he is attending Medical School right now in Rochester, NY.

Mike is on the right and Justin is on the left. You see,their besties; same home town and all that jazz, and without Justin my friendship with Mike never would have blossomed. I'd met him before and to honest, thought we were too different to have a solid friendship so I never even tried. Then when we were choosing senators for our campaign Justin insisted Mike had to be our science senator. Knowing Justin had never let me down before, I didn't even question the choice. He worked harder than any other senator in that campaign and in the following term that we served. And because we had to spend this time together I found out how amazing he truly is. Besides being ridiculously intelligent, he works harder than anyone I know, and is absolutely down right witty. He can make me laugh like no one else can. And on top of all that? A heart of freaking gold. We are 2500 miles away and he still knows when exactly I need to hear from him. He's is so in tune with the spirit it's not even funny.

Case in point: a few weeks ago he posted the following video on my wall.

He posted it because he had witty comment to share with me about it but what he didn't know is I needed to hear EXACTLY what Elder Holland had to say. It's the little things like that-I could make a list that would stretch from hear to Rochester. I didn't anticipate how well we'd stay in touch after SUU but I cherish it so much. I know our friendship is being seriously guided by my Father in Heaven.

The second Michael is none other than Michael Spencer Burt.

If I had to name the one person that has influenced me most in the past 12 years of my life it would definitely be this young man. I still remember the day I was taking my state standardized tests in the cafeteria at Desert Gardens Elementary School and Mrs Jordan, the school secretary, brought in a little post-it note to tell me he was born. I know he is one of the reason's I'm supposed to be home right now. He's always been my baby brother but tonight when we went as a family to tithing settlement something changed. Seeing him talk to the Bishop about is accountability before God really hit me, he really is turning in to a great young man. I can't wait to see what he'll become.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I LOVE Christmas. I've always loved Christmas, but when I moved to Cedar I learned to love it even more. I know weather doesn't technically make a holiday, but it does make it more magical. New snow on a red mountain? Gives me goosebumps. One of my very favorite Christmas traditions is the President's Holiday Gala at SUU. Most years it's in the Great Hall which looks similar to the Great Hall in Harry Potter. We fill it with beautiful Christmas decorations and a great musician or two. It's a thank you to the year's VIP donors and some of my favorite event memories come from the Gala.
Today in Cedar City, UT is the President's Gala. I knew it was coming, I event sent a Christmas card to the Alumni House letting them know I was thinking of them since I knew this year's Gala would be more ... complicated. They had to organize with a few more people then they normally do, and it would be split between multiple venues which is always tricky. I woke up with the Gala on my mind. As I ran errands with my mom all I could think about was what the event crew would be working on at that moment, what Chartwells would be serving, what would be decorating the tables that night, if they were using Dennis' fireplace at coat check, sound check, etc.
Then I went to my ward's Christmas dinner. And for two hours I didn't think about the Gala, I didn't think about the SUU Men's Basketball game going on at that point, but I thought of a mother over 2000 years ago and wondered if she really knew how special her Son would be. I thought about her Son and how He has shaped my life and the life of everyone I love. It's quite amazing how the absolute awe of Him can take over your whole thought process and bring a peace like nothing else can. He is the reason for the season.