Chuck inspired me a few years ago to write a Thanksgiving
blog but this Thanksgiving I was out of commission so here I am, late. Any teacher I’ve ever had would not be
surprised by this. But this past year I’ve had so much to be grateful for.
First and foremost my Dad is pretty dang awesome. The
week of Thanksgiving I was extremely sick, no energy, no voice, and all that
goodness. I texted my mom Wednesday morning to let her know I wouldn’t be
coming home for Thanksgiving because I didn’t have the energy to make the
drive, and within an hour and a half my Dad was in his car driving up to
Flagstaff to get me. Six hours each way
meant he spent 24 hours in a car over a 5 day period. Even though I was sick
most of the time I was home, it was so
nice to be around family and see my brand new nephew Jack.
Substitute Teaching- Did I enjoy it? Heck no. But a part
of me always wanted to be a teacher and my stint as a sub made sure that I will
never regret not taking that path.
The University of Montana- This is a hard one to write,
even though it was a short six months it shaped me significantly. I learned SO
much. And I didn’t think I would miss it
but there are definitely aspects I miss. I miss my boss there, I miss Mike and
Andy, and I definitely miss the river.
Katie Hawkes- The first person beside my mom I talked to
about leaving The University of Montana. She gave me the courage to apply for
the job at…
Northern Arizona University- I’ve been here almost two months
and I still sometimes sit in awe at how divinely guided this move was and how
perfect this position and my co-workers are.
Laurel Udy- Don’t know her? Read this! She’ll become your
inspiration too. In 2012 she graduated college, opened herself up to a boy,
left on a mission, and learned Portuguese. I’m kind of obsessed with her and
don’t know what I’d do without her in my life.
Michael Conrad Hunter-Because I need someone who will always get my West Wing references.
Michelle Erb- She gives the best advice and I
know if I need to laugh all I have to do is give her a ring.
Alex Jones- We’ve only actually lived in the same city
while being friends for like 3 weeks but she has become one of my closest
friends. You just need that person you can text the things you can’t say out
My Momma- because she answers when I call her at
midnight, she buys me a radiator when I need one and can’t afford it, and she
knows me better than anyone else.
Jeff-Probably my favorite thing about living at home
while job searching was the relationship I built with my brother Jeff. We hated
each other when we were little and I am always amazed at the man he has become.
Last month he became a father and I still get way emotional every time I think
about it.
Samuel Hardman Taylor-Because he understands the
importance of middle names and he knows me on a really weird level-like he can
recognize my handwriting.
DJ Jewel a.k.a “The Buick”- We’ve had some rough patches
but I love her and I’m so lucky to have a car that meets the needs I have.
GFR-While we don’t talk as much as I would like she still
knows me better than anyone besides my mom and is always there when I need her.
The Whole Famdamily- I've been blessed recently with a lot of time with the my whole family which is always the best kind of time.
Lastly, and most important, The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints. I am blessed and strengthen multiple times a day by my
Savior and I don’t know how people live without this knowledge and comfort.
Today I turned 25 and I haven’t really been looking forward to it. It’s kind of
depressing to have a birthday when you live in a town that you have no one to
celebrate with. Last night I prayed for the strength to focus on others today
so I wouldn’t feel bad for myself. It seems simple but it was one of my best
birthdays because I realized all I really NEED in life is to make sure I
continue to include my Heavenly Father in it. Have question about my faith?
P.S. Anyone want to help me revamp this thing? I've gone back to the default layout till I can figure out how to change it up. Ideas?