A little over two months ago I found out that my contract at NAU was not being renewed. It hit me like a ton of bricks straight to the chest. I didn't see it coming at all. With that job being the only thing keeping me in Flagstaff, I did what any other single 25 year old woman would do: I cried, I got myself some Coldstones, and then I packed up all my things and moved back in with my parents. I had NO IDEA what to do with my life and when I don't like thinking about things I just don't. A week after moving home I got a job nannying this stud till the end of the school year.
We napped, we played, we read, we went shopping, and we napped some more. Basically it was a dream come true. I told myself that I didn't need to worry about real life, about finding a job or making a plan, till his mom was out of school for the summer and they didn't need me anymore.
Well his mom has been out of school for a week and real life has set in! Tomorrow I fly to Salt Lake for a job interview and then a few days later I'm driving to Cedar for another and I feel so confused!
Both jobs have their pros and cons and as I started to pack and get things ready for tomorrow all of my female self esteem issues started to dig deep. Am I ready to start over AGAIN? What if neither of these interviews pan out and no one wants to hire me? Ever? Then the fears started getting deeper. Didn't the Lord want me at NAU? What happened?
Then I read the adventure of one #braveKatie
. I'm not signing any leases tomorrow but I feel a lot better about myself, my interview tomorrow, and my faith that my Father in Heaven will guide me. I can be #braveEmily.
#braveemily indeed! You can do this! I'm glad my story gave you some courage. Some days I need to reread it to find my own courage again :) I like the part where you said "Didn't the Lord want me at NAU? What happened?" ...it's always a little baffling when you think you're following God's will and then hit what looks like a brick wall. He must know something we don't, eh? Keep me posted on your interviews. I will pray for you!!