Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Montanan’s think Montana is a pretty big deal. The funny thing is, not many people outside of Montana care, and none of the Montanans know that. When I first moved here it really bothered me, now it’s just kind of tender. John Steinbeck once said “I’m in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition, even some affection. But with Montana it is love.”

I don’t know if I would ever go as far as Steinbeck but over the last six months I have learned to respect and admire Montana. Who wants Steinbeck as there spokesperson anyways? I’m sure if I were the kind of person who enjoyed strapping on a backpack and wandering through the wilderness for a week that I might find that love.

It really is beautiful.

And I’ve met a few good friends that I’ll miss.

That’s right, miss. Did you catch that?

I’ll miss them because today is my last day at The University of Montana and tomorrow I move to Arizona. I realize I haven’t blogged that much or really at all since moving to Montana but that’s what happens when you don’t have internet at home.  It was a really hard transition when I moved here, harder than I could have ever imagined. Picking up and moving to a town where you know no one for school is completely different then picking up and moving to a town where you know no one for a job, and I didn't know that before Montana. I did find a groove here, and while it wasn’t the groove I imagined, I figured I would be here for a few years.

Then Mindy Benson, life mentor extraordinaire, sent me a posting for job at Northern Arizona University. Not just any job. THE job. The job I imagined this one to be. The job I wanted. The job I couldn’t not apply for. The events are more my style, the pay is better, and it’s significantly closer to my family. I didn’t plan on missing my family as much as I do. Living at home for the six months before this reminded me how great they really are.

So when NAU offered the job, I couldn’t say no. It was hard telling my supervisor here because she’s kind of amazing but as soon as I got over that hurdle I knew it was the right choice.

Monday morning I start as an Events Coordinator for NAU Alumni Relations. Did I mention I start on their homecoming week?

So here I go again: new town, new co-workers, new ward, new roommates. Let us pray that I don’t have to do this again for a long, long time. 


  1. Sounds like a great opportunity. Congratulations! Go get 'em!

  2. ARRRIZZZONNNAAA!! they will love you! if not, i will come up there and throw pine cones at them.
