Sunday, May 27, 2012


It's been a long time since I've posted and this new format is tripping me out. I have lived in Montana for almost two months and it's been two of the hardest months ever. I could go into the 9,849 reasons why,but what's really important is what I've learned. I have to constantly remind myself that the Lord needs me here. I find that when I look for opportunities to serve his children that it really helps me keep closer to Him. Because I don't have friends here yet I've really had to depend on my relationship with Him and it has been a beautiful thing. Do you watch American Idol? I don't but I heard this song from the winner as my roommate was watching it.

I feel like if the Lord was going to write me a song right now about Montana, it would be this one. Its definitely on repeat all the time in my life. I'm gonna make friends, I'm gonna love it here, and I will meet people that need me in their life and vice versa. 


  1. Emily!(excuse me if this seems mushy-I am completely sincere) You are an incredible person. I KNOW you'll make friends, love it there and people will need you wherever you go!I sure as heck know I need you and have appreciated your help and example. I really needed to hear this song and the words you've know that wherever you are you are touching lives :)

  2. Emmmmmily! starting over is rough...when i moved back to AZ after graduation i'm pretty sure i cried every day, at random times, for a couple weeks. it was like i broke up with my college life! but i believe in you....i can't see you going w/o friends for too long :)
