Monday, February 4, 2013

Here's My Beef

I love good advertising and I always have. I remember seeing really good billboards as a little girl and thinking "that's witty." So needless to say I have always loved Super Bowl Sunday. Did I watch? No. I don't have cable and don't know anyone in Flag well enough to invite myself over. But you better believe I youtubed all the commercials.

Just in case you're wondering, this was my favorite.

My eyes may have got a little moist.

But here's my real beef. I HATED the Samsung commercial entitled "The Next Big Thing."

Disclaimer: I love my iPhone and can't see myself ever leaving the Apple Family when it comes to phones.

If the next Samsung phone really is the next big thing, shouldn't other people be telling us that besides Samsung?  I'm sure there are people out there excited for the next Samsung phone but the whole commercial made me feel like when your friend get's a bad haircut and you have to tell everyone to compliment her so she feels better. A good haircut should be able to be noticed by people, and so should a good phone. If I were in the market for a new phone, this commercial would make me think that they're trying to compensate for something.

And there's my beef, I loathe bad advertising.

Viva La iPhone!


  1. Agreed. I think that all Samsung's advertising is doing is saying that they aren't the best, and they are fighting to try and convince everyone that they are. Versus, the iPhone just assumes they are the best and lets everyone know how awesome they are without attacking the other phones. Apple advertises from a "category of 1" standpoint.

    Good commentary.

    BTW, I love my iPhone!

  2. I liked this commercial too, and I also loathe bad advertising! Yyyuck. Sometimes I just look at things and think, "We all know this is bad. How come your marketing team didn't know it? Please hire me instead next time."
