Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm a big kid

When I was sixteen I was going to go to college, go on a mission, and then attend law school. By the end of that I figured I'd be 28ish and have a family. I'm one for four right now. I have no more desire to practice law, the mission never felt right and I haven't met the lucky man yet. But there's a plan right? For the last 23 years of my life I've always believed He had a plan for me. Yet here I sit at one o'clock in the morning, on the roof of my apartment in my SUU sweats I bought as a freshman with no life plan. None of the jobs I've applied for were even interested in interviewing me, the only home I have to move back to is in a city with the highest unemployment rate in the nation, I still haven't passed that stupid math class, and I feel like all of my friends I graduated with already had their life plans or are having jobs fall into their laps. There is a plan for me right? Right? Bueller?

1 comment:

  1. You're right. I feel the same way sometime...being married and a mom early wasn't exactly my plan. But it all works out. Faith in the Lord is not only trusting in Him, but also trusting in his timing.
