Thursday, June 2, 2011

Triple Deuce

The 222nd division of the National Guard is based out of none other than Cedar City, UT. When I was a freshman they had just returned from a tour Iraq and that's all I really knew about them. Throughout the last 5 years I have learned more about them, met people who served, and heard stories of their families. Cedar has become my home in those 5 years and even though I don't know most of the men in the 222nd I love them because they are Cedar City. This past year a boy named Sam joined SUUSA and he was also in the 222nd which we found out in December were being deployed again. They leave on Saturday and last night I went to a send off for them in the Centrum. It was pathetic. They hadn't advertised the event at all, it was horribly produced, but worst of all no one was there. It made me think a lot about my profession of choice and how big of a difference a good event can make. I felt bad for those soldiers and their families who were giving so much and had to sit through that pitiful event. Then I started thinking about how much they were really giving up. It's one of the most selfless acts they can do on this earth and I am so grateful for the men and women who serve in the military everyday.

I'm obsessed with this country. Have you ever really thought about how absolutely wonderful it is to wake up in the morning and know you can express yourself however you want without fear of prosecution? As a very opinionated women it's something I can't be thankful enough for. I know this country was founded by divine revelation so that there would be a nation where Christ's true church could be restored and thrive in. I feel so blessed to be a citizen of that nation. So to the men of the Triple Deuce, come home safe. And to everyone else who has served and is currently serving, thank you from the very bottom of my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever watched Soldier's Surprise Homecoming on TLC? I was watching and bawling through it last night and I was thinking some of the very same things. Thanks for sharing :)
