Thursday, June 16, 2011

Virginia Slims

I'm sitting on my bed, my legs and feet are on fire, and I can't even begin to count or organize the emotions in my body right now. Tonight was the opening ceremonies of the 2011 Utah Summer Games. Nothing went as planned, and let's be honest, nothing ever does. To give you an idea, it down poured during pre-show on all our lovely brand new video equipment, the torch didn't have gas, my headsets never worked, and the wind was too high for our sky divers.

And I LOVED every minute of it. I wish I could explain in words the adrenaline it produces. I saw a boy who has spent months on this, stressed to the max, on an injured knee, jamming out like there wasn't a care in the world. He understands the adrenaline.

But as it wound down and the crew started to leave, it hit me. This is most likely the last time I'll work with these people. From the grounds crew, to facilities, the fire marshall, the electrician, Poll Sound, the Advancement and Summer Games staff, and most important, Dennis Effing Busch. The last four years these people have taken care of me, taught me, and become my family. We really do have to most amazing crew.

What am I going to do without them?

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