So many random thoughts going through my head:
Went to Off The Cuff tonight. I'm not one of those people who go every Friday but every once in a while, I love it. Tonight I was only about 60% there mentally because I was just thinking about how seriously amazing they are.

Five SUU students started it in January of 2004 and I don't think they could have ever imagined where it would go. They've had over 50 players come and go, venues have changed, and with everything they've became stronger. They've competed at National Improv Festivals, toured around the western US, and trained with some of the best in the world. And in September they're opening their own space! Maybe I get excited because I know the lack of great programming space in Cedar, but mostly because I'm so excited at how far these awesome people, SUU Alumni no less, have come.
Next thought, we had 14 dancers from SUU's own dance department spend three months this summer in China helping to produce the ballet "The Dream of Helen," about Cedar native Helen Foster Snow. Our dancers came home yesterday and I saw one at OTC, she just ... glowed talking about her experience. You know when you talk to someone who has had a literal life changing experience and you can just tell by their countenance? That's how she was. And that's how everyone I've talked to who saw or was a part of the performance was. I'm so proud of our students and can't wait to hear more about their experience.
Last thought, tonight I met Winthrop Paroo aka Zion Smith. If you haven't seen The Music Man at the Utah Shakespeare Festival this summer, get with the picture!! Winthrop steals the show. I got the chance to talk with Zion and OTC and he's just this great twelve year old boy, who of course made me miss Michael, who loved watching OTC. He just had this immense look of JOY on his face. You know he'll remember tonight for a long time. He's 12, acting in the Utah Shakespeare Festival, and has a 1000 more dreams. Great people doing great things.