Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Do you ever have one of those nights where you plan nothing special yet it's just perfect? On a whim I went to Park Discovery with Jenna and Mikey Tuesday night, the music on the way put us in the BEST mood before we even got there. Once we were in the park Mikey and Jenna were pretending to be on a safari, then we were piarates, then we were on a plane, then a space ship...all different accents, all different story lines. Hup Hup. I felt like a third grader and that's when I remembered, I never did this kind of stuff as a child. Jenna made it clear that not participating was not an option and I didn't even know how to join so I just followed their lead. I struggle when it comes to being creative. Me and Calvin are one in the same.

I'm that girl who wrote EVERY paper the night before. I've always said their are two different types of event planners: the visionaries and the producers. I'm a producer, I don't have big visions, but you better believe I can get wherever is envisioned and I fine tune everything along the way. But here is my question to you people now, can you develop creativity? I feel like the 12 followers of this blog are pretty dang creative people and I'd love your input. I think more creativeness can only help my event management skills but where do I get it?


  1. I'm not very creative either, but I've heard that if you want to be more creative you should work on small projects--i.e. decorating your room, making a cake, etc. Since you do a lot of that in event planning, you're probably a lot more creative than you give yourself credit for. Being able to play pretend probably isn't the best indicator for if you're creative or not :) You could probably plan a better kick-a party than they could.

  2. I like reading others blogs and stories and such and I seem to get creativity passed down to me. I also am kind of a perfectionist so I have to have things right which in turn makes it pretty difficult for me to not make myself be creative...
    Have fun, stop worrying about others and make it fun for you! Others will agree, I promise :)

  3. Ah I know how you feel!! I always get so embarrassed, even as a kid I liked my creativity to be private

  4. I think you can develop creativity. Start little by little with simple things like Liz said above. Then before you know it, you will probably be inspired with your own little burst of creativity.
