Thursday, December 5, 2013

Birthday Miracles

I am officially twenty six years old and it was the most wonderful birthday. Nothing big or spectacular happened but it was all the little things that reminded me that that is what life is all about, and now I would like to share them with you.

Last  night we got 13+ inches of snow and while most people were groaning I loved the winter wonderland.

That being said, the snow did produce a few problems. As I was driving home a little after midnight last night I pulled over to help a stranded motorist. A high school age boy pulled over to help at the same time as I did and we got to pushing the car out of a snow drift. The motorist was extremely rude and vulgar which made me quickly start to question my decision to pull over. This boy helping could not have been more than 17, yet he was so patient, so kind, and so helpful. I didn't catch his name, probably wouldn't even recognize him if I saw him again, but his example of charity overwhelmed me. It set the perfect mood of humility for my birthday.

My morning meeting was I got to sleep in.

One of my best friends who is serving a mission in Brazil had her Pday on my birthday, even thought it's normally on Monday, so I got a birthday email from her.

Garden House was serving my favorite soup. There is no rhyme or reason (to my knowledge) of why they cook what soups when.

The Chargers' (my favorite NFL team) blog on December 4th was written by Brad Sorensen (an SUU Alum!)

Fountain drinks on campus, because I'm a Diet Coke addict, were 25% percent off.

I got to Skype with my brother and his family who live in Texas. I'm normally in class or working when my brother's kids are awake so catching all of them was a gem. 

I had a great group of friends meet me for dinner at Pizza Factory. It just happened to be their 40th anniversary so all of our dinner's were 40% off. 

My roommates bought me a tiara and sash to wear to said dinner. 

These are just a few as I received calls, texts, tweets, and posts from so many friends and family members. Life isn't about the big moments, it's the little things we need take note of. If my 26th year of life continues on this track I'll consider myself pretty blessed.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

There's A Bright Side

Coming back to Cedar has been a bumpy transition, but there was this moment tonight-this moment where I was surrounded by people I love, looking at a perfect starry sky during a meteor shower, feeling the warmth of a fire, and listening to one of my favorite voices sing an original song-at that moment I felt more peace than I have in a long, long time.

And I knew Cedar was exactly where I was suppossed to be.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

SUU Round Two

So I flew up to SLC and rocked the interview. Then I drove to Cedar City and rocked another interview. But I felt worse about both jobs after the interviews. I tried not to think about it which was easy because as soon as my second interview was over I jumped into helping with one of my favorite events, The Utah Summer Games Opening Ceremonies. I loved it, I loved helping, I love being back with a great crew, and I completely ignored the decisions looming in front of me. 

Then as the night was coming to a close I saw Provost Brad Cook, and not knowing that I was in Cedar for a job interview he asked "what do we have to do to get you back on campus?" I started to tell him about my job options and the graduate internship I'd been offered at SUU. The internship was my last choice. It would be advising the Student Activities Board, which I would love, but I'd be a poor college student again and that wasn't a sacrifice I was ready to make. Then Brad said something I'll never forget:

"If you make the sacrifice now to get your Master's degree you will never regret it."

And as he said that, the still small voice inside my soul said "amen."

So a week later I packed up my car and moved back to Cedar City. In the fall I'll start my Masters of Public Administration with an emphasis in Student Services. I've spent the last month working with the Student Activities Board and Marketing team and I've already learned so much through the eyes of an adviser. Did I think I would be here? Of course not. But The Lord works in mysterious ways. 

Friday, June 7, 2013


A little over two months ago I found out that my contract at NAU was not being renewed. It hit me like a ton of bricks straight to the chest. I didn't see it coming at all. With that job being the only thing keeping me in Flagstaff, I did what any other single 25 year old woman would do: I cried, I got myself some Coldstones, and then I packed up all my things and moved back in with my parents. I had NO IDEA what to do with my life and when I don't like thinking about things I just don't. A week after moving home I got a job nannying this stud till the end of the school year.

We napped, we played, we read, we went shopping, and we napped some more. Basically it was a dream come true. I told myself that I didn't need to worry about real life, about finding a job or making a plan, till his mom was out of school for the summer and they didn't need me anymore. 
Well his mom has been out of school for a week and real life has set in! Tomorrow I fly to Salt Lake for a job interview and then a few days later I'm driving to Cedar for another and I feel so confused!
Both jobs have their pros and cons and as I started to pack and get things ready for tomorrow all of my female self esteem issues started to dig deep. Am I ready to start over AGAIN? What if neither of these interviews pan out and no one wants to hire me? Ever? Then the fears started getting deeper. Didn't the Lord want me at NAU? What happened? 

Then I read the adventure of one #braveKatie

. I'm not signing any leases tomorrow but I feel a lot better about myself, my interview tomorrow, and my faith that my Father in Heaven will guide me. I can be #braveEmily.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Happy Secret To Better Work

Two blogs in two days, it's a record for me, I know. But I LOVE this so much. My boss shared this in our staff meeting today. It's 12 minutes, but the best dang 12 minutes you'll spend this lovely afternoon.

You're welcome.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Here's My Beef

I love good advertising and I always have. I remember seeing really good billboards as a little girl and thinking "that's witty." So needless to say I have always loved Super Bowl Sunday. Did I watch? No. I don't have cable and don't know anyone in Flag well enough to invite myself over. But you better believe I youtubed all the commercials.

Just in case you're wondering, this was my favorite.

My eyes may have got a little moist.

But here's my real beef. I HATED the Samsung commercial entitled "The Next Big Thing."

Disclaimer: I love my iPhone and can't see myself ever leaving the Apple Family when it comes to phones.

If the next Samsung phone really is the next big thing, shouldn't other people be telling us that besides Samsung?  I'm sure there are people out there excited for the next Samsung phone but the whole commercial made me feel like when your friend get's a bad haircut and you have to tell everyone to compliment her so she feels better. A good haircut should be able to be noticed by people, and so should a good phone. If I were in the market for a new phone, this commercial would make me think that they're trying to compensate for something.

And there's my beef, I loathe bad advertising.

Viva La iPhone!