Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Chuck inspired me a few years ago to write a Thanksgiving blog but this Thanksgiving I was out of commission so here I am, late.  Any teacher I’ve ever had would not be surprised by this. But this past year I’ve had so much to be grateful for.

First and foremost my Dad is pretty dang awesome. The week of Thanksgiving I was extremely sick, no energy, no voice, and all that goodness. I texted my mom Wednesday morning to let her know I wouldn’t be coming home for Thanksgiving because I didn’t have the energy to make the drive, and within an hour and a half my Dad was in his car driving up to Flagstaff to get me.  Six hours each way meant he spent 24 hours in a car over a 5 day period. Even though I was sick most of the time I was home,  it was so nice to be around family and see my brand new nephew Jack.  

Substitute Teaching- Did I enjoy it? Heck no. But a part of me always wanted to be a teacher and my stint as a sub made sure that I will never regret not taking that path.

The University of Montana- This is a hard one to write, even though it was a short six months it shaped me significantly. I learned SO much.  And I didn’t think I would miss it but there are definitely aspects I miss. I miss my boss there, I miss Mike and Andy, and I definitely miss the river.

Katie Hawkes- The first person beside my mom I talked to about leaving The University of Montana. She gave me the courage to apply for the job at…

Northern Arizona University- I’ve been here almost two months and I still sometimes sit in awe at how divinely guided this move was and how perfect this position and my co-workers are.

Laurel Udy- Don’t know her? Read this! She’ll become your inspiration too. In 2012 she graduated college, opened herself up to a boy, left on a mission, and learned Portuguese. I’m kind of obsessed with her and don’t know what I’d do without her in my life.

Michael Conrad Hunter-Because I need someone who will always get my West Wing references. 

Michelle Erb- She gives the best advice and I know if I need to laugh all I have to do is give her a ring.

Cody Alderson- Because he buys Diet Coke when I come to visit.

Alex Jones- We’ve only actually lived in the same city while being friends for like 3 weeks but she has become one of my closest friends. You just need that person you can text the things you can’t say out loud.

My Momma- because she answers when I call her at midnight, she buys me a radiator when I need one and can’t afford it, and she knows me better than anyone else.

Jeff-Probably my favorite thing about living at home while job searching was the relationship I built with my brother Jeff. We hated each other when we were little and I am always amazed at the man he has become. Last month he became a father and I still get way emotional every time I think about it.

Samuel Hardman Taylor-Because he understands the importance of middle names and he knows me on a really weird level-like he can recognize my handwriting.

DJ Jewel a.k.a “The Buick”- We’ve had some rough patches but I love her and I’m so lucky to have a car that meets the needs I have.

GFR-While we don’t talk as much as I would like she still knows me better than anyone besides my mom and is always there when I need her.

The Whole Famdamily- I've been blessed recently with a lot of time with the my whole family which is always the best kind of time.

Lastly, and most important, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am blessed and strengthen multiple times a day by my Savior and I don’t know how people live without this knowledge and comfort. Today I turned 25 and I haven’t really been looking forward to it. It’s kind of depressing to have a birthday when you live in a town that you have no one to celebrate with. Last night I prayed for the strength to focus on others today so I wouldn’t feel bad for myself. It seems simple but it was one of my best birthdays because I realized all I really NEED in life is to make sure I continue to include my Heavenly Father in it. Have question about my faith? PLEASE ASK ME!

P.S. Anyone want to help me revamp this thing? I've gone back to the default layout till I can figure out how to change it up. Ideas?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dear Governor Romney,

I know it's not fair but I hold you to a higher standard than most politicians. You have the gospel. You hold the Priesthood. I tried so hard not to say anything bad about you during the campaign. I'm sure you are a good man/husband/father/grandfather. I didn't really have anything against you, just your policies, and that's never stopped me from being friends with people before. If I decided to not be friend with anyone who believes in trickle-down economics. I'd have approximately 5 friends, and only one in my faith. But this? 

“With regards to the young people, for instance, a forgiveness of college loan interest was a big gift,” Mr. Romney said. “Free contraceptives were very big with young, college-aged women. And then, finally, Obamacare also made a difference for them, because as you know, anybody now 26 years of age and younger was now going to be part of their parents’ plan, and that was a big gift to young people. They turned out in large numbers, a larger share in this election even than in 2008.”
The president’s health care plan, he said, was also a useful tool in mobilizing black and Hispanic voters. Though Mr. Romney won the white vote with 59 percent, according to exit polls, minorities coalesced around the president in overwhelming numbers: 93 percent of blacks and 71 percent of Hispanics.
“You can imagine for somebody making $25,000 or $30,000 or $35,000 a year, being told you’re now going to get free health care, particularly if you don’t have it, getting free health care worth, what, $10,000 per family, in perpetuity — I mean, this is huge,” Mr. Romney said. “Likewise with Hispanic voters, free health care was a big plus. But in addition with regards to Hispanic voters, the amnesty for children of illegals, the so-called Dream Act kids, was a huge plus for that voting group.”

That higher standard? I expect you to have dignity, whether you're winning or loosing. Has it ever occurred to you that those who believe in the Affordable Care Act do so because they believe that every child of God deserves health care? I enjoy paying my taxes. Do people abuse tax money? Of course, and they always will. But I still enjoy paying my taxes because I know that some people actually need welfare/medicare/social security/health insurance and I'd much rather make sure that those that need help get it, and pay for the moochers as well, then cut everyone off. I feel blessed that I have a job that provides me with my own insurance and the financial ability to pay taxes. I didn't vote for President Obama because of the what he could offer me, but what he can offer others, because that is important to me. So suck it up Willard!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Montanan’s think Montana is a pretty big deal. The funny thing is, not many people outside of Montana care, and none of the Montanans know that. When I first moved here it really bothered me, now it’s just kind of tender. John Steinbeck once said “I’m in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition, even some affection. But with Montana it is love.”

I don’t know if I would ever go as far as Steinbeck but over the last six months I have learned to respect and admire Montana. Who wants Steinbeck as there spokesperson anyways? I’m sure if I were the kind of person who enjoyed strapping on a backpack and wandering through the wilderness for a week that I might find that love.

It really is beautiful.

And I’ve met a few good friends that I’ll miss.

That’s right, miss. Did you catch that?

I’ll miss them because today is my last day at The University of Montana and tomorrow I move to Arizona. I realize I haven’t blogged that much or really at all since moving to Montana but that’s what happens when you don’t have internet at home.  It was a really hard transition when I moved here, harder than I could have ever imagined. Picking up and moving to a town where you know no one for school is completely different then picking up and moving to a town where you know no one for a job, and I didn't know that before Montana. I did find a groove here, and while it wasn’t the groove I imagined, I figured I would be here for a few years.

Then Mindy Benson, life mentor extraordinaire, sent me a posting for job at Northern Arizona University. Not just any job. THE job. The job I imagined this one to be. The job I wanted. The job I couldn’t not apply for. The events are more my style, the pay is better, and it’s significantly closer to my family. I didn’t plan on missing my family as much as I do. Living at home for the six months before this reminded me how great they really are.

So when NAU offered the job, I couldn’t say no. It was hard telling my supervisor here because she’s kind of amazing but as soon as I got over that hurdle I knew it was the right choice.

Monday morning I start as an Events Coordinator for NAU Alumni Relations. Did I mention I start on their homecoming week?

So here I go again: new town, new co-workers, new ward, new roommates. Let us pray that I don’t have to do this again for a long, long time. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012


It's been a long time since I've posted and this new format is tripping me out. I have lived in Montana for almost two months and it's been two of the hardest months ever. I could go into the 9,849 reasons why,but what's really important is what I've learned. I have to constantly remind myself that the Lord needs me here. I find that when I look for opportunities to serve his children that it really helps me keep closer to Him. Because I don't have friends here yet I've really had to depend on my relationship with Him and it has been a beautiful thing. Do you watch American Idol? I don't but I heard this song from the winner as my roommate was watching it.

I feel like if the Lord was going to write me a song right now about Montana, it would be this one. Its definitely on repeat all the time in my life. I'm gonna make friends, I'm gonna love it here, and I will meet people that need me in their life and vice versa. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Grown Up Stuff

Now that I've accepted the job and the start date is set (April 4th,) I'M FREAKING OUT.

Cody is getting keys to his house this week.

Justin is getting married next week.

The week after that I get health insurance and a retirement plan.

And I'm freaking out.

When did we get to all this grown up stuff?

5 years ago my biggest priority was how late I could stay awake and if I could wake up for class.

I'm moving to a town I've never been to. I need to buy a bed and find a bank.

And I'm freaking out.

But then I remember when I was here:

This is Alex Jones, I'm obsessed with her, and she is where I was three years ago.

I've moved to a town where I didn't know anyone before, I found a bed, and I got a bank account. I figured out what I want to do with my life and in two weeks I get to start doing just that.

He brought me this far, He can get me to my grown up job.

I know that no matter what, the Lord will be with me.

But just in case you're still scared and confused about being a grown up, here's a really good article:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It's official!! They offered and I have accepted the position as the Events Coordinator for the Office of the President at the University of Montana!

I start two weeks from tomorrow and am beyond excited.

Adventure? I think so!

This morning before I accepted I went for a really good bike ride through the fields and thought back about how I got here and how much I love SUU for getting me here.

Did I mention University of Montana is in the Big Sky Conference? SUU Football travels to Missoula on October 13th and I'm already counting down the days.

I have never been to Montana and know one person in the whole state, he conveniently lives in Missoula, where the university is, so it will be nice to at least have one friend going into this. So if you know anyone in Missoula or know any fun facts about Montana, I'm all ears!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thunderbird Nation

It's going to come as no surprise to anyone that I love Southern Utah University. What amazes is me is how my love continues to grow. It truly is a nation, a family. This week the former Associate Dean of Students just happened to be in El Centro, which all in and of itself is a miracle, and we went to dinner. Now we didn't ever work together, we were really just mere acquaintances, but she made the effort to contact me. We could have stayed up all night talking about how amazing SUU is. In retrospect I often ponder if my experience at SUU was an anomaly, but talking to this women who had attended and worked at so many universities, I knew, SUU was just that marvelous.

Then, two days later I found out that the parents of a good friend growing up, people I respect and love very much, are SUU Alums!! We talked about The Utah Shakespeare Festival and Manzanita and Juniper. That same night two current Tbirds were down for Spring Break and we talked and laughed for hours. We talked about ways for them to get involved, and what will make their time there the best for them.

On top of all those reminders, I have a second interview tomorrow for a job I really, REALLY want, and I have had so much support from former employers at mentors at SUU. I am gone and they are still so invested in me, they want to see me succeed and they are doing everything so that that happens.

I love me some Thunderbird Nation.

Monday, March 12, 2012


How cute is my nephew?

On a side note, since moving home my I've been trying really hard to teach my brother how to clean. Today he came in to ask me where something goes. I told him and then asked why. "I'm cleaning the living room and figured I should put things where they go." He decided to clean the living room all by himself. This is the boy who's idea of cleaning 6 months ago was shoving toys under the couch. I almost started crying.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Like Goals

I'm that person that puts things I've already done on my to do list just so I can check them off. I love the feeling of being productive at the end of the day. I like making goals, just so I know I can accomplish something. In a life so expansive and crazy as ours, it's comforting to know you can accomplish things.

My life post Cedar has been full of mundane goals just for the sake of having something to check off: do dishes, write so-and-so a letter, apply for X amount of jobs today, etc. It's all I can do to keep myself from going crazy in this transitional phase of my life. My to do lists use to look like this:call so-and-so agent, schedule venue, finish paper, meeting, class, next meeting, and that was just before noon. At the end of the day I was exhausted but I felt like I'd made a difference.

I haven't felt like that in a long time--until today. Today I went and helped out with my high school's Mock Trial team. I was in Mock Trial all four years of high school and absolutely loved it. I worked with the kids on smoothing out their speeches; diction, pacing, parallel structure, and keeping a unified voice through out their arguments. I could really tell they were not only understanding it but also understanding why these skills made them stronger public speakers. No matter what they choose to do with the rest of their lives, these are valuable skills.

Tonight as I'm crawling into bed I feel like I made a difference and I forgot how rewarding it is. I realize I'm making a difference down here, and I know my family appreciates how much I help out, but I don't think I put as much importance on it as I should. So my new goal? Before I go to bed every night, really take the time to ponder the differences I've made that day. I think that not only will I feel more fulfilled but that I'll challenge myself to do more. I just love goals.

P.S. I realize in my earlier post I sounded like I would be blogging all my tender mercies, which was my original plan. They're becoming a lot more personal than I expected, so from time to time I'll put some up here, but for now they're going in the journal.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's Halftime America

I love football. Like A LOT. Most people with my love of football loved yesterday, they were all about the Superbowl, but for me, it was all about the ads. I can't stand either team that was playing so I just recorded it on my parents DVR and fast forwarded through the game to the commercials. Call it the Comm Major in me but I've always had a sincere respect for good advertising. Most of the time they're funny, sometimes moving, but life changing? Not really. This one however, came really close. My eyes may have misted a little.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Emmett Taylor Burt

This afternoon Emmett Taylor Burt decided to grace our family with his presence.

And yes, "ET phone home" jokes have already been made about his initials. I haven't met him yet but I heard the little guy's a fighter, tried to struggle when they put the tubes up his nose.That's my boy! Can't wait to meet him in a week!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It all comes down to Football

This week's tender mercies are brought to you by one of my favorite past times.....FOOTBALL.

1) For the last three years of my life everything has evolved around events. In my memories I think "that was the Sunday before Sunfest" or "that was the day after the Gala." I was really struggling because I NEED to work an event. Well football came to the rescue! Someone called my former boss asking her to work an All American College Football game. A week where players come from all over the country so NFL scouts can check them out. She couldn't do it so she recommended me. I almost jumped out of my skin. It's in two weeks and it couldn't come soon enough. The Lord totally knows how long I can go without working an Event and put one in my life right when I needed it.

2) The last one is that this week in PE my little brother made his very first touchdown and was actually excited about it. I am by no means expecting him to become some pro athlete but I want him to enjoy playing sports because it's such a great way to make friends. I haven't lost hope on the kid yet.

Dear Creators of Football,
Thanks you.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012: It's All About The Little Things.

Moving home has been nothing that I thought it would be and yet everything at the same time. A few weeks ago I was having a nice little Skype sesh with Laurel Udy complaining about being a substitute teacher. Laurel, being the divinely inspired Daughter of God she is, said "It kinda sounds like it's all about the little things." Which is really so true. I've met lots of great students who will go on to do great things. And I really am so blessed to have a family that I can move back in with and will help me in this transitional phase of life. It's not what I had planned but it's what He had planned and I know that's what really matters. So my resolution this year is to take the time to recognize the little things. Part of recognizing is recording so in 2012 I'm going to record at least two tender mercies a week. Ready?

1) The first happened in the wee hours of the 1st. I was staying with the Robison family in Orem that night. Their oldest daughter lived in Juniper with me my freshman year and she pretty much completes me. I've spent time with her family on many occasions and they are just as magical as she is. I woke up Sunday morning and when her mom saw me she just had the best smile on her face. I love how welcome I feel in their home.

2) When I got home from Utah I had not one but TWO letters from missionaries. Need some great missionary upliftment? Follow Elder Bergquist. He's one of my close friend's little brothers and he is a stud! I met him the weekend of his 15th birthday and I can't believe he's already on a mission. He's grown so much and the people of Honduras are so lucky!