Thursday, December 22, 2011


This is a post to vent, just a warning. Our country is SO AMAZING. I know it was set up by a divine design. I love our Constitution, at one point I wanted to study constitutional law. What grates me like nothing else though, is people who expect more rights than they really have. It's a smack in the face to every single person who has fought for those rights. This morning I got on Facebook and saw a friend's status asking if she should get a twitter or not. One of her friends had posted the following:

In all practicality, my annoyance with Twitter is the character limit on tweets...I figure if I've got something to say, I want the freedom to say it how I want, rather than abridging it to fit their format.

You're really going to take then time out of your life to complain about how social media limits you? Are you kidding me? Governments have been overthrown by the use of social media! Have you heard of North Korea? Their citizens can't access anything on the internet that isn't approved by their government. We should be beyond grateful for the fact that we can wake up in the morning and read a newspaper, a newspaper that can print whatever it wants without fear of persecution from our government.

I realize that part of our rights as American Citizens is to be able to voice our opinion, no matter what it is. My problem is not with people voicing those opinions. Don't agree with me on something? Great! Just make sure that you're not just talk, that you have a foundation for those opinions, and that they are based in exceptional gratitude for the undeniable rights we do have, not the ones you think you have.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

My Two Favorite Mikes

Do you ever re-read a blog post and see a glaring error? You think, how on EARTH could I have missed that? Today I realized there were two very serious errors in this post. I forgot my two favorite Mikes.

The first one is Mr. Michael Conrad Hunter, the Mr. won't be around for long be cause he is attending Medical School right now in Rochester, NY.

Mike is on the right and Justin is on the left. You see,their besties; same home town and all that jazz, and without Justin my friendship with Mike never would have blossomed. I'd met him before and to honest, thought we were too different to have a solid friendship so I never even tried. Then when we were choosing senators for our campaign Justin insisted Mike had to be our science senator. Knowing Justin had never let me down before, I didn't even question the choice. He worked harder than any other senator in that campaign and in the following term that we served. And because we had to spend this time together I found out how amazing he truly is. Besides being ridiculously intelligent, he works harder than anyone I know, and is absolutely down right witty. He can make me laugh like no one else can. And on top of all that? A heart of freaking gold. We are 2500 miles away and he still knows when exactly I need to hear from him. He's is so in tune with the spirit it's not even funny.

Case in point: a few weeks ago he posted the following video on my wall.

He posted it because he had witty comment to share with me about it but what he didn't know is I needed to hear EXACTLY what Elder Holland had to say. It's the little things like that-I could make a list that would stretch from hear to Rochester. I didn't anticipate how well we'd stay in touch after SUU but I cherish it so much. I know our friendship is being seriously guided by my Father in Heaven.

The second Michael is none other than Michael Spencer Burt.

If I had to name the one person that has influenced me most in the past 12 years of my life it would definitely be this young man. I still remember the day I was taking my state standardized tests in the cafeteria at Desert Gardens Elementary School and Mrs Jordan, the school secretary, brought in a little post-it note to tell me he was born. I know he is one of the reason's I'm supposed to be home right now. He's always been my baby brother but tonight when we went as a family to tithing settlement something changed. Seeing him talk to the Bishop about is accountability before God really hit me, he really is turning in to a great young man. I can't wait to see what he'll become.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I LOVE Christmas. I've always loved Christmas, but when I moved to Cedar I learned to love it even more. I know weather doesn't technically make a holiday, but it does make it more magical. New snow on a red mountain? Gives me goosebumps. One of my very favorite Christmas traditions is the President's Holiday Gala at SUU. Most years it's in the Great Hall which looks similar to the Great Hall in Harry Potter. We fill it with beautiful Christmas decorations and a great musician or two. It's a thank you to the year's VIP donors and some of my favorite event memories come from the Gala.
Today in Cedar City, UT is the President's Gala. I knew it was coming, I event sent a Christmas card to the Alumni House letting them know I was thinking of them since I knew this year's Gala would be more ... complicated. They had to organize with a few more people then they normally do, and it would be split between multiple venues which is always tricky. I woke up with the Gala on my mind. As I ran errands with my mom all I could think about was what the event crew would be working on at that moment, what Chartwells would be serving, what would be decorating the tables that night, if they were using Dennis' fireplace at coat check, sound check, etc.
Then I went to my ward's Christmas dinner. And for two hours I didn't think about the Gala, I didn't think about the SUU Men's Basketball game going on at that point, but I thought of a mother over 2000 years ago and wondered if she really knew how special her Son would be. I thought about her Son and how He has shaped my life and the life of everyone I love. It's quite amazing how the absolute awe of Him can take over your whole thought process and bring a peace like nothing else can. He is the reason for the season.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Two years ago today I was sitting at my home in El Centro visiting my parents on the brink of some major decisions in my life. It was the semester I decided to change my minor to Theater and I was in 3 theater classes and had ASM'd Macbeth. I can't even begin to tell you how that semester changed me, I learned SO much, I made some amazing theater friends, and my GFR got engaged. One of the people I got to know a whole lot better was Anatasha Blakely or as I like to call her, Chuck. Every year like clock work on this day Chuck writes a blog of what she is thankful for. I knew that writing a blog like hers would give me the perspective to make those decisions that were weighing so heavily on me, which is when I started Emily's Eccentricities. And thus I sit here in my parents house, two years later, on the brink of trying to figure out my life plan and again I was so moved by Chuck's list, (which you can read here). So here is what I am thankful for:

The Arts- in all forms; literature, theater, dance, cinema, and music. It provides such a state of enlightenment in life. It begs me to ask questions, to teach myself, and yet still has such an cathartic effect all at the same time.

Laurel Udy- she's kind of a big deal. I can't count the amount of late night chats I've had with her over the past 12 months. Sometimes I just need to get everything off my chest and she has the best ear. Along with her being the best listener, she's super funny and introduced me to her crew.

"The Crew"- I hate to say, "you know who you are," but you do. Because the thing about the crew is, it's not a set group of people as much as a state of mind. Enjoy all things nautical? You can be in the crew. Enjoy a good tweet? Crew. Love a good game of Olympic Tennis? Crew. Actively travel by bike? Crew. Just like to chill? CREW! When I graduated and everyone left and I had no idea what I'd be doing with my life, these are the people who took me in and showed me how to be happy no matter what.

SUUSA- The things I learned in my time with SUUSA are priceless. I am learn by doing kind of girl and I got to do a lot.

Justin Parker Nelson- Without Justin I never would have joined SUUSA in the first place. And once we were in, we were always in it together. If I need help with an activity, he was there. If I needed someone to read over my paper at 3 am that was due the next day, he was most likely in the offices writing his right next to me. If I needed a Diet Coke, he didn't even need to ask because he always knew when I needed one.

Mark Preston Leavitt- The man taught me a lot about priorities. I still can't even begin to understand him but he always knew what was important and it showed. I often look back to that example. And his wife? AMAZING.

Cody Noel Alderson- There's always more to a person than you think, and with Cody I just keep unraveling. He has the biggest heart, he loves helping people. Whether it's tutoring then in math or taking them to Breakfast during a stressful week, he's so good at it. Also he gives great hugs, his large stature engulfs you. Have I mentioned he's funny? Yeah, like your eyes are leaking, stomach hurting, can't breathe funny.

My Student Activities Board-They worked so hard! I've had a lot of compliments about the quality of the job I performed last year, but those people don't know it was really StAB, late nights, early mornings, and lots and lots of patience. I loved watching them realize the difference they were making the lives of their peers. They became some of my best friends.

Southern Utah University- You have a lot of time to ponder about chapters of your life after they've closed. I became there who I want to be for the rest of my life there. I will always be a Tbird.

Natalie Robison- There is something about talking to her that makes me feel like I can conquer the world.

Michael Arthur Tagliaferri- All you need to know is he has a magical Donald Duck voice.

Shandra Kay Harper- She's my GFR, she knows everything about me, and she always knows how I'm going to feel. I luf her.

Family- They've taken me in these past 8 weeks and I am so lucky to have a family that not only can but are glad I'm here.

The Interwebs- I don't even know how people looked for and applied for jobs before the internet. Also, I get to skype all of the above people.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints-It gives perspective to everything. It is the reason I can realize I am grateful for all of the above. It gives me the faith to know there is a plan, even though I don't know what it is, I know there is one. I know I have a purpose, I know where I came from and where I'm going. I have a Savior and Redeemer who loves me very very much.

Monday, November 7, 2011

All Is Right With The World

Do you ever have those moments where everything is piling up? A trip to your favorite place falls through, you can't find what you want the most, and then to top it all off you end up on crutches? My life lately has just been one big place of limbo.

That changed tonight. Tonight I found out that two of my favorite people are expecting their first child, a beautiful little girl. This couple is so with it, so ready to be parents; and what great parents they will be! You hear about so many children in the news who are not treated like the Children of God they are, but this Daughter of God will have a wonderful home, a cute puppy, and parents who truly cherish her.

This is what life's all about. This is the small moment of clarity I needed to refocus my paradigm. This is what reminds me that all is right with the world.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Goodbye My Almost Lover

Tonight I found out some heartbreaking news. Juniper Hall, where I lived for my first two years of college, is being evacuated and most likely for good. And for some reason all I can think about is the song by A Fine Frenzy

Goodbye my almost lover

Goodbye my hopeless dream

I'm trying not to think about you

Can't you just let me be?

But it wasn't almost love, I loved it with all my heart, and still do. So tonight I'm writing a letter to a building. Don't mock, we all have different ways of grieving right?

Dear Juniper,
I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for your presence in my life. You taught me to never judge a building by it's appearance but by those that dwell inside. You brought me my GFR,Ween, Grizz, the B300 boys, Meech, S. Katie Hill, Maximus (such a fighter,) some great ducks, and so many more. You taught me showering is always better with music and whole meals can in fact be made in the microwave. It doesn't matter if the two floor tall Christmas tree tilts a little as long as it's decorated with love. I learned that ether and a lighter can catch a love seat on fire and soccer balls can break windows. Curfews were meant to be broken and quiet hours were never really quiet. Every job or opportunity I received in my time at SUU was because of people I met through you.

But most importantly, my testimony grew exponentially in our two years together. You have this amazing talent of taking 200-300 18 year-olds every year and turning them into a family, you teach them to grow up and start them on their journey of becoming productive members of society. It hurts my heart to know you will probably never be able to do that again. Thanks for everything.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Settling In

I've gotten my life here down to a pretty great routine, ready for it?

Make breakfast for the Fam
Some sort of exercise (walk, bike ride, elliptical)
Clean something (room, kitchen, living room, car)
Search and apply for jobs
Pick up Michael from school
Make dinner
Attend nightly activity (Institute, Relief Society, Mock Trial practice)

Throughout all of this I run errands for my mom and am waiting patiently for my fingerprints to clear so I can substitute. The first couple of days were rough but it's nice to have time to think.

I have always loved serving others and for the time being that all I can do and I love it. Like today I had the time to make some extra Salsa to take to a Sister in the ward and make brownies for Jenny's class.

Tonight I learned how to quilt:

Don't look too closely, it's a first try and a little misproportioned.

The best part though is I'm making friends. I told myself I was gonna be active with the YSA group before I ever moved here, the first Institute was rough but it's going good and we're even planning a campout for next weekend. Holla!

To add a cherry on top of it all Laurel and Staci are coming to visit this weekend! Wanna know how amazing they are? Read the last two posts on this blog.

Monday, October 3, 2011

El Centro: Day 1

I've been in El Centro for approximately 3 hours and they've been a great three hours. I have to give credit though to a CD made by one Laura Corry, which I may have listened to it 5 times in a row, it seriously put me in the best chill/pumped for a new adventure mood. I also got to stop and see my niece in Vegas, which of course included her receiving new SUU swag.

Had some Celias (best Mexican food ever) waiting for me when I got home, great life discussion with my mom, and then scripture study and prayer with no one other than the coolest 12 year old alive, Michael Spencer Burt. I went into complete EFY mode and started asking him questions so he could figure out himself what he was reading.

We had a great life discussion about Either 12:4

In the morning I'm taking him to school and unpacking and setting up my room. Maybe when this room looks a little bit more like mine it won't feel like I'm just visiting my parents.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I moved to Cedar City, UT one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine days ago. And when I wake up I will run the last few errands and move back to El Centro, CA where I grew up. I've known this was the plan for awhile and I know it's where I'm supposed to be, at least for a little bit, but it really just hit me tonight as I began to pack up my room. I can't even begin to explain what a different person these last one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine days have made me. When one chapter ends another starts.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Falling In Love Through These Headphones

Do you have that song/album that no matter how many times you listen to it you can't get enough? You have it on repeat day and night? I'm currently loving on Preston Pugmire's new album which can be bought here. Go ahead, go get it. If you wanna try it first, there's one free download. OBSESSED.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Burt's Bakery

I have a confession; I bake. This might sound weird to my few blog followers but baking was a huge part of my identity before I moved to Cedar. When we lived in New Mexico, where I was born, my mom spent months perfecting a chocolate chip cookie recipe. She took a recipe off the back of a bag of chocolate chips and just tweeked and changed ingredients until they were perfect. They're good, they're really good. I can't even really begin to describe them.

Every Burt child was raised learning how to bake these cookies. We took them to class parties, random friends on Sundays, and every family reunion. Our mom is not that hard core when it comes to cooking but she's OCD about her cookies. You have to pack the brown sugar a certain way and the flower must be measured correctly with proper butter knife technique. You can only use Ghirardelli Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips and nothing but Blue Bonnet Margarine melted to the exact consistency. Sugars first, then magarine, eggs, vanilla, flour mixture (baking soda, salt, and flour,) all while putting the chips and nuts in half way through the flour. I can double it, cut it half, make them by hand, or use a mixture, and do it all without even thinking.

So when my brother Jeff wanted a new video game or roller blades or something along those lines, he started a cookie baking business. When he was too cool for baking, I was just old enough to use an oven by myself. I inherited a healthy clientele. We sold by the dozens, we had regulars. I new who liked extra chocolate chips, who wanted walnuts in theirs, and who I couldn't tell their spouses they were buying them. Sometimes I'd make up a batch, bag them in threes, take them to school, and sell three for a dollar to students. I'd make 5 dozen, earn 20 bucks, and be out by 3rd period. I could go home right now and call up old clients, even though it's been five years, and make 100 bucks no problem.

Moving into a dorm my freshman year that had no kitchen sent my baking out the window, it was nice not to be the girl who was expected to bring cookies to everything. So when I finally made them, I was extremely upset to find out that they turn out very different at 5846 ft above Sea Level then at 30 below. This may sounds ridiculous but it's still 5 years later quite sad to me. I've tried adjusting so many little things in the recipe but there's no hope. They still taste good in Cedar, they're just not....fluffy.

This is all on my mind because I made them this morning for Jon and Liz (best landlords ever) and all I could think about was how excited I was to move home and make some fluffy cookies. 37 days till El Centro....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Help

Have you seen the movie The Help? If not make plans to see it ASAP, best movie I've seen in a long time. Basic Overview: In a culture where a girl's main priority is expected to be marriage (not utah but close,) Skeeter gets a college education and has strong desires of becoming a journalist. Skeeter grew up in a privileged white home in Jackson, Mississippi with an African American maid that raised her. After returning home from college she recognizes the injustice of how the maids in her community are being treated. She interviews maids about their experiences and writes an anonymous book that gets published. It was beautiful, moving, funny, you're going to want to take tissues. There were two messages in the movie that I've always firmly believed in but the reinforcement was perfect timing in my life.

While Skeeter was I'm sure a talented writer, what made the difference was that she saw everyone like a Child of God. She connected with the maids, made them feel like they could trust her, and then helped them. In a time in life where I have no life plans and I'm surrounded by friends going to medical school, and getting sweet jobs with companies like Boeing, it's nice to know that me being a people person is something valuable that can change lives, even if I can't do math.

The other lesson is that children believe what others believe about them. Skeeter never felt like the southern belle her mom wanted her to be, and even though her mom never said those words, the message was delivered clearly. Her faith in herself however, came from the maid that raised her. Her maid told her every day how beautiful, wise, and smart she was. We as humans have to take the amazing influence we have in children's live more seriously.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


At 8:30pm last Friday night Brant called me up and asked if I wanted to go to Provo for the weekend. We left Cedar at 12:30am Saturday morning and drove to Provo. I love a good late night random roadtrip. We ended up going to Lagoon on Saturday for SUU Day at Lagoon and it was just the PERFECT day. Going into it I only knew two of the people besides me but we just had a way solid group and it was wonderful. I love when the Lord weaves people into your life.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Great People Doing Great Things

So many random thoughts going through my head:

Went to Off The Cuff tonight. I'm not one of those people who go every Friday but every once in a while, I love it. Tonight I was only about 60% there mentally because I was just thinking about how seriously amazing they are.

Five SUU students started it in January of 2004 and I don't think they could have ever imagined where it would go. They've had over 50 players come and go, venues have changed, and with everything they've became stronger. They've competed at National Improv Festivals, toured around the western US, and trained with some of the best in the world. And in September they're opening their own space! Maybe I get excited because I know the lack of great programming space in Cedar, but mostly because I'm so excited at how far these awesome people, SUU Alumni no less, have come.

Next thought, we had 14 dancers from SUU's own dance department spend three months this summer in China helping to produce the ballet "The Dream of Helen," about Cedar native Helen Foster Snow. Our dancers came home yesterday and I saw one at OTC, she just ... glowed talking about her experience. You know when you talk to someone who has had a literal life changing experience and you can just tell by their countenance? That's how she was. And that's how everyone I've talked to who saw or was a part of the performance was. I'm so proud of our students and can't wait to hear more about their experience.

Last thought, tonight I met Winthrop Paroo aka Zion Smith. If you haven't seen The Music Man at the Utah Shakespeare Festival this summer, get with the picture!! Winthrop steals the show. I got the chance to talk with Zion and OTC and he's just this great twelve year old boy, who of course made me miss Michael, who loved watching OTC. He just had this immense look of JOY on his face. You know he'll remember tonight for a long time. He's 12, acting in the Utah Shakespeare Festival, and has a 1000 more dreams. Great people doing great things.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Do you ever have one of those nights where you plan nothing special yet it's just perfect? On a whim I went to Park Discovery with Jenna and Mikey Tuesday night, the music on the way put us in the BEST mood before we even got there. Once we were in the park Mikey and Jenna were pretending to be on a safari, then we were piarates, then we were on a plane, then a space ship...all different accents, all different story lines. Hup Hup. I felt like a third grader and that's when I remembered, I never did this kind of stuff as a child. Jenna made it clear that not participating was not an option and I didn't even know how to join so I just followed their lead. I struggle when it comes to being creative. Me and Calvin are one in the same.

I'm that girl who wrote EVERY paper the night before. I've always said their are two different types of event planners: the visionaries and the producers. I'm a producer, I don't have big visions, but you better believe I can get wherever is envisioned and I fine tune everything along the way. But here is my question to you people now, can you develop creativity? I feel like the 12 followers of this blog are pretty dang creative people and I'd love your input. I think more creativeness can only help my event management skills but where do I get it?

Friday, July 22, 2011

I have a life plan!!!!! (kinda)

I'm moving home. Neither of my job interviews led to a job, although I did get some really great feedback from Norwich University. Thus on August 10th(ish) I am moving back to El Centro, California, where I was raised. I had every intention of moving home my first summer but 5 years later it just never happened, and now it's time. I need time to regroup and figure out a life plan. My little brother is starting Jr High this fall and I want to be there for him, he's a big deal. I'm going to try and substitute teach while I'm home and just continue to apply for jobs. Anyone who has ever been to El Centro is thinking "Why on earth would she move back mid-August?" It's the absolutely most disgusting time of the year. But it feels right, and I haven't had that feeling in a long time. So to help my positive outlook I want to share with you some of my favorite things about El Centro.

Let's start with the basics: location.

Fun Facts:

-We are the largest city in the country completely below Sea Level.
-2 hours from San Diego.
-10 miles from Mexico.
-4 hours from Mesa, AZ, home of Cody Noel Alderson and Katie Elizabeth Hawkes.

The Courthouse is my absolute favorite place in El Centro, hands down. It's gorgeous, and I have so many great memories there.

The Blue Angels train at our Navy Base for 3 months out of the year and we get to watch all the time.

The Sand Dunes we have are the biggest in the country and completely mesmerizing.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming.....

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The End of an Era

I remember walking out of the book fair at Desert Gardens Elementary School with Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. I didn't like books about witches and wizards and dragons but my arch nemisis was reading them and thus I had to be up to date. I finished the first two books in three days and it killed me that I couldn't go out on Sunday to buy the 3rd. You better believe that as soon as Costco was open on Monday morning I made sure I was there with my mom. I got the 4th book at midnight at 5th Avenue Books in El Centro. The 5th book came out the day after my oldest brother left for his mission and I can't begin to describe the comfort it brought. I have memories of sitting in the Juniper lobby after the 6th book came out talking about whether Snape really was good or not. And then the last book came out. It came out the day I was supposed to drive to Santa Barbara from Cedar for EFY and I took a day off my Cedar job to get to Santa Barbara a day early so I could have all weekend to read before EFY. I got to the prologue right as the fireside started and afterwards I just couldn't read it. I couldn't let the end happen. I waited a week to read the prologue. And when it was over, I knew I still had years to come with the movies.
This past weekend the last movie came out in the Harry Potter Series and it was a a bitter sweet moment. The last part of a story that defined my childhood coming out the summer I graduate college, kind of poetic right? It was a beautiful cinematic experience. That moment that Professor McGonagall starts arming the castle? Chills all over my body and tears welling in my eyes. Some other thoughts about the movie:

-Draco's mom? So tender. I love the overall theme of great mothers in general throughout the series. The love of Harry's mom being what saved him? Mrs Weasley is the ultimate mom, I would love to be her when I grow up.

-The sweet guards that come alive at the end? Were those in the book?

-Neville Longbottom, I am IN LOVE with him!!! Is it too much for my first son's name to be Neville?

-Ginny Weasley as a grownup reminds a lot of Dana Savage.

-Coincidence that Harry's initials are HP? I think not.

-I've always loved the message of good vs evil that this series has taught people and I was reading other people's thoughts online. Someone brought up that the name of Kings Cross Station might be a Christianity reference. So that last scene between Dumbledore and Harry in the glowing white Kings Cross Station had a little more depth the second time.

Because yes I have seen it twice in the last 5 days since it's been out.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

T Swizzle

Do you ever just have that song where you've likes it but then when it finally applies to your life, you fall in LOVE with it? I've always said Taylor Swift has a song for every female emotion, but tonight she hit those emotions with a bang.

I feel like this blog has turned into an "I NEED A LIFE PLAN" rant but it is the thought that consumes all thoughts. I have no clue where I'll be living 5 weeks from now. Ideally I'll have a job by then but who knows? I have two phone interviews this week for Alumni Events jobs at school in Vermont and Michigan, so keep those fingers crossed and those prayers a coming! However if in five weeks I have nothing, I am homeless. My contract at Campus Lofts is up and I don't want to start something until I have a job. Who said being a college grad is glamorous? I'd like to punch them in the face.

P.S. Be proud. First youtube video on my blog. I was inspired by all the music on Nat's. But can someone please tell me how to make it fit in my blog area?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Independence Day

Some random thoughts...

Everyone looks good in red, white, and blue.

I love the movie Independence Day. No matter how many times I watch it, I can watch it again. I hate sci-fi/alien movies. Go figure.

Favorite July 4th you may ask?

It was honestly the worst summer but the BEST 4th of July. What I would give to have all these girls back in Cedar.....

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dennis Effing Busch

I wish I could remember the first time I met Dennis Michael Busch. It had to be early freshman year. He was the hall director of the dorm I lived in. In the last 5 years he has become my rock. He's always been in Cedar; always encouraged me in everything I've done. I jokingly refer to him as my life mentor to many but that's really what he is. He worked for housing and I wanted to work for housing. When I hated the first two communication classes I took (schnifty nifties!) he encouraged me to try other teachers in the department. When he ran for Academic VP I helped him put up signs at 2am using the housing mule, and wore his shirt with pride. When he worked for Alumni Relations, I soon followed. When I decided to run for Activities VP, he was there for me, for every breakdown during the campaign and term, and was more than willing to help at any activity when asked. And as if to not miss a single detail of trying to be like him, I also finished math (fingers crossed) in the summer. I sit here in an empty Alumni House with my eyes a little moist because today is his last day in Cedar. He'll finish up a few items here and pack up his car and drive to Salt Lake tonight for what I'm sure will be an amazing adventure as the new PR and Marketing Director at the Riree-Woodbury Dance Company. I can't imagine a Cedar City with out Dennis Busch. He is truly one of the best men I've ever met.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Virginia Slims

I'm sitting on my bed, my legs and feet are on fire, and I can't even begin to count or organize the emotions in my body right now. Tonight was the opening ceremonies of the 2011 Utah Summer Games. Nothing went as planned, and let's be honest, nothing ever does. To give you an idea, it down poured during pre-show on all our lovely brand new video equipment, the torch didn't have gas, my headsets never worked, and the wind was too high for our sky divers.

And I LOVED every minute of it. I wish I could explain in words the adrenaline it produces. I saw a boy who has spent months on this, stressed to the max, on an injured knee, jamming out like there wasn't a care in the world. He understands the adrenaline.

But as it wound down and the crew started to leave, it hit me. This is most likely the last time I'll work with these people. From the grounds crew, to facilities, the fire marshall, the electrician, Poll Sound, the Advancement and Summer Games staff, and most important, Dennis Effing Busch. The last four years these people have taken care of me, taught me, and become my family. We really do have to most amazing crew.

What am I going to do without them?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Triple Deuce

The 222nd division of the National Guard is based out of none other than Cedar City, UT. When I was a freshman they had just returned from a tour Iraq and that's all I really knew about them. Throughout the last 5 years I have learned more about them, met people who served, and heard stories of their families. Cedar has become my home in those 5 years and even though I don't know most of the men in the 222nd I love them because they are Cedar City. This past year a boy named Sam joined SUUSA and he was also in the 222nd which we found out in December were being deployed again. They leave on Saturday and last night I went to a send off for them in the Centrum. It was pathetic. They hadn't advertised the event at all, it was horribly produced, but worst of all no one was there. It made me think a lot about my profession of choice and how big of a difference a good event can make. I felt bad for those soldiers and their families who were giving so much and had to sit through that pitiful event. Then I started thinking about how much they were really giving up. It's one of the most selfless acts they can do on this earth and I am so grateful for the men and women who serve in the military everyday.

I'm obsessed with this country. Have you ever really thought about how absolutely wonderful it is to wake up in the morning and know you can express yourself however you want without fear of prosecution? As a very opinionated women it's something I can't be thankful enough for. I know this country was founded by divine revelation so that there would be a nation where Christ's true church could be restored and thrive in. I feel so blessed to be a citizen of that nation. So to the men of the Triple Deuce, come home safe. And to everyone else who has served and is currently serving, thank you from the very bottom of my heart.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm a big kid

When I was sixteen I was going to go to college, go on a mission, and then attend law school. By the end of that I figured I'd be 28ish and have a family. I'm one for four right now. I have no more desire to practice law, the mission never felt right and I haven't met the lucky man yet. But there's a plan right? For the last 23 years of my life I've always believed He had a plan for me. Yet here I sit at one o'clock in the morning, on the roof of my apartment in my SUU sweats I bought as a freshman with no life plan. None of the jobs I've applied for were even interested in interviewing me, the only home I have to move back to is in a city with the highest unemployment rate in the nation, I still haven't passed that stupid math class, and I feel like all of my friends I graduated with already had their life plans or are having jobs fall into their laps. There is a plan for me right? Right? Bueller?

Monday, May 9, 2011


I have attended and worked at commencement for the last three years. I always thought it was a nice thing but not that big of a deal. The fact that you were done was the big deal. The only desire I had to walk and partake in the commencement exercises was so that my family could see. I want to set the example for Michael and my mom loves that kind of stuff. Then due to circumstances beyond their control the family couldn't make it and I lost all desire to walk. I knew my friends wouldn't let me skip out so I put on a pretty dress and some heals and went. It actually shocked me how much I loved it. I never really understood ceremonies for ceremonial sake but being at commencement, having that huge celebration (and I know what goes into from the event standpoint) just made all of my trials and accomplishments during my time here at SUU so real. One more class this summer and I will be a college grad. So weird.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Weekend to Remember

This weekend was Crazy!!

Friday was the day we've been counting down to for 4 months...Brian Regan. He came, he sold 3000 tickets and we ate about $20,000 totall which I'm quite happy about. I see it as subsidizing the student discount and creating a definite wow factor on campus.

This is me in front of 3000 people thanking everyone for coming...

It was terrifying. But he was great! The crowd loved him and his touring manager gave us rave reviews for our production. Here's a picture of him at our show taken by one the University Journal photographers:

Then Saturday night was the 61st Annual Tbird Awards, which we were also in charge of. Run throughs in the Randall Jones theater all day, and then Lo did my hair. Came out mighty fly if I do say so myself.

Then we held a reception for the finalists and their guests at the Alumni House, this is me with the girls from StAB:

After the reception we got the awards show underway. The activities VP and StAB are ineligible from winning, since we put it on it would look sketchy if we won. Well, in the middle of the show Cody gets up to podium and asks me to come on stage. He presents me with these beautiful flowers and talks about how much I've done this past year. I wasn't going to cry, until he did. Jerk.

At the end of Tbird Awards we gave it one last go as an EC to get a normal picture of all four of us. In failing, I realized that this is a normal picture for us. Love them.

Just two short activities from being done....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Michael Spencer

Two blog posts in one day....I know, epic for me. But nothing motivates me more than my little brother, meet Michael Spencer Burt:

I was the youngest until he came along, we were instantly besties. I realize this is an awkward photo but what kind of 11 year old boy is photogenic?

Today I found out some boys in his class were writing really mean things about him on facebook. Come on people! We're talking about 6th graders, why do they have facebook in the first place?! It breaks my heart, I've been emotional all day about it because he is truly amazing. I get that he doesn't get along with his peers, but you have to understand the options are few. In El Centro you're either very well off or very poor, and when you're the child of two school teachers and you don't speak spanish, you don't have many kids who want to be your friends in the first place. I get that, I grew up with it, but I didn't have to in the digital age. He has no self esteem and I pray every night that he sees himself as his Father in Heaven does. I wish he knew how awesome he was. So if you're reading this, do something to cheer up that awkward kid that just needs a little self esteem boost, I'm sure their older sister would be eternally grateful.


I have a lot history with my feet. The go everywhere with me. When I was little they braved that hott El Centro asphalt on my way to Allyson's house because I was too stuborn to put on shoes. They've been all over California, Arizona and Utah. They've been to Boston, Manhattan, St Louis, Chicago, Dallas, Albuquerque, and Ensenada. They've been in the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. They even still treat me right after I rocked to hard to Hannah Montana and broke one, or after I decided to go ghost riding and one got ran over. I love my feet, I'm ocd about my toe nail polish being chipped, they have to look like rockstars. So when I had the chance to go barefoot for a day as part of the Toms Shoes "A Day Without Shoes" campaign I couldn't wait. So today is the day my feet to explore campus barefoot. I think they're pretty happy about it.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


I've always thought that the sole purpose of transition training was for the incoming not the outgoing; that was until today. Today we met as the outgoing Executive Council and the incoming Executive Council. All week I've been thinking about what I wanted to say to the newbies, and it made me emotional, ALL week long! The new EC was up in the offices asking questions here and there, and that definitely didn't help my emotional state. Then this morning we got up to the cabin and really started delving into things. We talked about the basics of the job but also what we wish we would have known going in and what we haven't quite finished. It's hard to explain why it was so amazing but I feel like it just washed all my crazy emotions away. I saw the eagerness in their eyes and fatigue in ours. For the first time since the thought of leaving and graduation crept up on me, it finally felt right.

Getting to reminisce about everything we've accomplished this year made it feel like all the stress, all the missed classes, all the sleepless nights, were worth it. We left SUUSA better than we found it, and we gave it all we could. As Cody said on the ride home "At the end of the day we can hang our hats knowing we did a good job."

What will I miss most you might ask? I love the look on the student's faces when they're truly enjoying themselves. I love creeping random people's pictures on the StAB facebook page and finding pictures of people at one of my activities in a album call "College Memories." I love the look on my event directors' faces when they realize the difference their work is making. I love the late nights in the offices, the pirate dice, and the gator adventures. But what I will miss the most can be summed up in one picture:

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm not ready!!!

I was driving in the California desert on Saturday between Blythe and Vidal Junction (for those of you who know the drive, you know how bleak this is) when I had a really intense moment. I had gotten a really witty text from Michael Conrad Hunter. I was just laughing to myself and thinking about how downright excited I was to be back in Cedar after a week in El Centro. I was thinking about the AMAZING people that would be there waiting for me, and then I had the thought: "It's all gone in six weeks." I graduate six week from last Saturday and I will never live with all these people again. I've said goodbye to a lot of people as they graduated, transferred, and left on missions; but I was always still here and there were always people to keep me going. I was always a student, and I knew what was coming next. It was at this point I started hysterically crying in the car by myself. I have no plans, and as much as I would love to move to some random city in this great country and have a new adventure, I've had it so great here that I don't know if I have the courage to do that. I'm not ready!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The End of a Dynasty

December 9th, 1988 Jerry Sloan was hired as the head coach for the Utah Jazz and today he resigned. Everyone has those few constants in their lives that they expect to always be there, and when they're not it's like the wind is knocked right out of you. That's how I felt today. Jerry, you will be missed.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Take Luck!

Brian Regan. He's coming to SUU. The contract is signed, it's all public now, and there's no turning back. Every time I'm in the Centrum Arena, which is often since I'm obsessed with SUU basketball, I get a sick filling in the very bottom of my stomach about filling all those seats. 4231 seats available. So far facebook tells me 83 students are coming. Let's pray real hard shall we?

And on top of that, I have no idea what I will be doing four months from now. AAAAAAAAAAAAAaa. I have no direction in what job to look for, what part of the country to look in. I just know I got student loans and I don't want to move home. Do you think Celias would hire me?